Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Jen and Rebecca Start Biking

R: We made it through day 1! (Sorry for the posting delay. Apparently free wi-fi access isn't abundant in small-town Iowa and we've lacked the energy to get ourselves downtown to the Iowa Telecom booth where internet is free.)

R, still :We had another night of not great sleep in part because of the loud music/party we could hear nearby (sadly for Aaron, it was right by his campground, though down the road from ours.) Plus we could hear trains and it was chilly overnight. Turns out a sleeping bag wouldn’t have been overkill in this weather, and I should have brought one as the blanket didn’t quite cover it. We didn’t get started as early as anticipated either because I hadn’t recalled how long the lines to the kybos are at the main campground--I was spoiled riding with the Hawgs with their attached kybo on the back of the bus. Then I discovered my rear tire wasn’t holding air, so some of the bike shop guys at our campsite fixed it for me. We joined up with Aaron and got on the road at 7:00. We passed grandma’s condo on the way out of town, so I guess Aaron and I took a partial Eilers memorial tour of Council Bluffs

J: I am too dazed by day 1 to write anything! Overall, it was an okay day. I think I started out a little dehydrated and exhausted from 2 nights of bad sleep and it hit me on the first set of hills out of Council Bluffs. Once we finally made it to the top, I chugged a bottle of Nuun and inhaled a quick snack and the situation was drastically improved. On to the first town! We stopped in Mineola for Chris Cakes - my first pancakes of the week! Yummy!

Jen's first bite of pancakes.

Fortunately, no one was thrown into the hoosegow in Mineola during our brief stay.

R: The day was overall a short one, only 53 miles, but there were plenty of hills to keep up occupied. The just kept coming and became very tiresome. We learned that Matt rides faster than us, but Aaron, Jen, and I were able to stay together okay. Matt met us in the towns and at Pastafari for lunch, then rode ahead without us.

Matt being anointed a RAGBRAI virgin by some folks we met in the Pastafari line.

Jen bikes by, looking pretty happy!

Rebecca naps in Henderson.

R: The charter company tortured us with our campsite tonight--we had to climb several more hills in town to get to it. It’s fairly out of the way, and we were pretty tired, so we had dinner at the closest place to us, a church serving ham balls and baked potatoes. I’m wondering how I’m going to manage to stay up until a more reasonable bed time, like 9:00. Hopefully I’m tired enough to actually get a good night’s sleep, and if we go to bed early, we can get on the road earlier for a 70+ mile day tomorrow!

J: I had originally mocked Rebecca for wanting to go to bed at 7:30, but now it sounds like a fantastic idea! Here’s hoping for a slightly flatter day tomorrow!

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