R: Jen and I had intended to blog a reflection on our RAGBRAI experience, but as our many loyal readers may have noticed, it took me until last week to actually update the the blog with our last day of the ride, let alone actually think deep thoughts about it. So we'll just chalk that one up to, "Oh well!"
And now Jen and I are heading out on our next adventure--the Galapagos islands! After months and months of hemming and hawing about the expense, looking at all of the cruise options, we made the decision to go! I'm guessing our internet connection will be fair to non-existent while actually on the islands (though I could be surprised) but we're planning to update the blog as soon as we can, when we're back in mainland Ecuador, or, like RAGBRAI, perhaps in the weeks (months?) following the trip.
Mini-Darwin prepares to make a return trip to the part of the world he made famous:
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